I-693 Immigration Exams Available (Examenes Medico de Inmigracion Disponible) Click here

I-693 Immigration Exams Available (Examenes Medico de Inmigracion Disponible) Click here

Community Resources

Community Resources

International Rescue Committee

Legal Services
Social Services
Medical Services

IRC has services providing comprehensive case management in the areas of social, legal, employment, psychiatric & medical services. Also available are resources that support clients in rebuilding their lives and achieving financial stability through various programs.

For more information about these services & others, call (602) 816-1793, or go to http://www.rescue.org.

Arizona Refugee Career Pathways

Social Services

Arizona State University & Goodwill have teamed up to provide a cost-free program that will provide:

  1. English language courses
  2. 1-on-1 meeting with a career coach
  3. Guidance on credentials received outside of the U.S.
  4. Interview preparation & resume development
  5. Support upskilling in your current field or making a career change
  6. Job placement support
  7. Workshops on financial literacy, professional & computer skills
For more information, please email [email protected].

Immigration Legal Services for Afghan Arrivals (ILSAA)

Legal Services

Immigration Legal Services for Afghan Arrivals (ILSAA) provide immigration legal services for Eligible Afghan Arrivals at no cost. For more information, email [email protected] with your name, phone number & primary language & a team member will respond to your message. You can also visit the website: https://ilsaa.acf.hhs.gov/.

Mountain Park Health Center,
7 Locations in the Phoenix Area

Medical Services
Food Bank

Mountain Park Health Center provides dental & health care, in addition to nutrition education, breastfeeding support, food & pharmacy services. Sliding fee discount for those who are uninsured. Most insurance plans are accepted, including AHCCCS.

For more information, call (602)243-7277 or visit the website at www.mountainparkhealth.org.

Fresh Start

Legal Services
Social Services

Empowering women to succeed by providing legal services, coaching, financial literacy & educational workshops, computer literacy courses, small business start-up programs, and more.

For more details, visit FreshStartWomen.org.

Catholic Charities Community Services

Services for Homeless
Housing Services
Social Services

Catholic Charities provides an array of community-based solutions such as counseling, in-home services, transitional housing for domestic violence survivors & homeless veterans, comprehensive refugee services, and more.

For additional details, go to CatholicCharitiesAZ.org.

ICNA Relief

Services for Homeless
Food Bank
Housing Services
Medical Services
Social Services

ICNA Relief supplies resources for hunger prevention, health services, disaster relief, back-to-school programs, women’s transitional housing & more. Go to https://icnarelief.org for more information.

St. Marys’s Food Bank
(3 Phoenix Locations)

Food Bank

St. Mary’s Food Bank offers home delivery services for those unable to travel to the food bank, emergency food box sites, hot meal locations, and mobile pantries.

For additional details, go to  https://stmarysfoodbank.org.

Community Food Bank of Southern AZ

Food Bank

Community Food Bank offers emergency food assistance, senior food programs, farm & garden programs, and more. For more information, go to https://www.communityfoodbank.org or call (520) 622-0525.

United Way 211

Housing Services
Food Bank
Medical Services
Social Services

Available 24/7 by calling 2-1-1 on any phone, this project of United Way can offer referrals in your local community for everything from shelters to food banks to counseling to job help. 211’s website is available in over 100 languages. Available by phone, text, or web.

Call 211 for Essential Community Services | United Way 211

Pima County Health Department

Immunization Services

The Pima County Health Department offers immunizations for children and adults. Please check the locations and hours of a clinic near you.

Theresa Lee Public Health Clinic
1493 W. Commerce Ct.
Tucson, AZ 85746

East Office
6920 E. Broadway Blvd.
Tucson, AZ 85710

North Office
3550 N. 1st Ave.
Tucson, AZ 85719

Maricopa County Department of Public Health

Immunization Services

MCDPH operates three childhood immunization clinics for children ages 0 years up to their 19th birthday. Immunizations are provided free of charge. Vaccines are also available for uninsured or underinsured adults. 

Currently, there are three service locations:

Roosevelt Clinic
1645 E Roosevelt St
Phoenix, AZ 85006

Mesa Clinic
635 E Broadway Rd
Mesa, AZ 85204

West Clinic
1850 N 95th Ave, Suite 184
Phoenix, AZ 85037

For a vaccination appointment, please call the clinic at 602-506-6767.

Upwardly Global

Employment Services

Upwardly Global is a free program to help immigrants & refugees return to work in their chosen fields. For additional details, go to https://www.upwardlyglobal.org/ .

Pima Community College

Employment Services

Pima Community College works closely with resettlement agencies to provide balanced reading, writing, listening, and speaking English to help students obtain and retain employment. For more details, call 520-206-3554, or visit Pima Community College-Refugee Education – CCCIE Community College Consortium for Immigrant Education.


Frequently Asked Questions

Preguntas Frecuentes

¿El seguro cubre el examen médico de inmigración?

No. Nuestro examen médico de inmigración requiere el pago al momento del servicio y no es elegible para la presentación del seguro. Sin embargo, su seguro puede cubrir vacunas, pruebas de laboratorio, pruebas de imágenes (rayos X o resonancia magnética) o tratamientos médicos de seguimiento no incluidos en el examen médico de inmigración, dependiendo de su póliza.

¿Puede cualquier médico realizar el examen médico de inmigración I-693?

Sólo un profesional médico autorizado por el Servicio de Ciudadanía e Inmigración de los Estados Unidos (USCIS) como cirujano civil puede realizar el Examen de Inmigración I-693.
Los proveedores en ambas ubicaciones de Revive Community Health están autorizados por el USCIS para realizar el examen médico de inmigración I-693.

¿Puede una persona reprobar el Examen Médico de Inmigración?

El médico puede identificar que usted no cumplió con los requisitos médicos descritos en Formulario I-693 para un cambio de estatus legal si usted:

¿Qué vacunas se requieren actualmente para un cambio de estatus migratorio?

Las leyes de inmigración de Estados Unidos pueden exigir recibir vacunas para prevenir las siguientes enfermedades dependiendo de la edad:

Si doy positivo por una enfermedad infecciosa, ¿qué tipo de tratamiento se requerirá para satisfacer los requisitos del I-693?

Si la prueba de una enfermedad infecciosa da positivo, el médico analizará sus opciones de tratamiento. Le ofreceremos tratamiento al momento de su Examen Médico de Inmigración, con un costo adicional. También puede optar por buscar tratamiento en otro lugar y proporcionar documentación de ese tratamiento al gobierno cuando envíe su Formulario I-693.

¿Qué puedo esperar durante la parte de salud mental del examen?

El médico le hará preguntas para evaluar su estado mental, incluidas preguntas que identifiquen su comprensión, juicio, afecto, inteligencia, estado de ánimo y comportamiento. Estas preguntas ayudan al proveedor a determinar si usted tiene alguno de los siguientes:

¿Qué sucede después de completar el Examen Médico de Inmigración?

Una vez que el médico haya completado el examen médico de inmigración, recomendará cualquier vacuna o tratamiento que falte si su prueba de una enfermedad infecciosa es positiva. El médico completará su Formulario I-693 y sus registros de vacunación y los colocará en un sobre sellado. Un miembro del personal de Revive Community Health se comunicará con usted y le informará que su documentación está completa y disponible para que la recoja. Tenga en cuenta que una vez que los documentos estén sellados, no podrá abrirlos bajo ninguna circunstancia.
Envíe la documentación del examen médico sellada según las pautas de USCIS. Los resultados de su examen médico de inmigración generalmente son válidos por dos años.